Sunday, March 29, 2009

My Avery

Avery in a clam shell at the Phoenix Zoo during our visit over Spring Break.
I have been trying to write down when the girls say something funny or do something cute, so that I can remember them 50 years from now. Well Avery has accumulated quite a few lately and I thought I better get some of these posted before I forget. My little Avery, whose only ambitions in life are to be a mermaid and marry her daddy, has quite the personality for those of you that have not met her. Again, I remind you she will be 4 years old in May.

  1. Yesterday she told me she liked to see boys kissing girls. I asked her why, she says to me, "It looks fun." Uh, Oh!!!
  2. Today on our way to church, we saw a couple of quails. I love the little quail families that run around our subdivision. Well, I say how cute they were and then Avery responds, "Oh, they are so cute, let's kill them." Yeah, I'm not sure where she got that idea from, we have never been hunting, ever.
  3. Like I mentioned a few times, Avery is obsessed about marrying Lucas. I try to explain the whole growing up and finding her own husband thing, but she insists we can share. Well, the other day she tells me, "Momma I don't want to hurt your feelings. I won't marry daddy. I'll marry Uncle Leon, because he is my best friend."
  4. My mother-in-law has these nicknames for the girls. Andie is Pertties (like Pretties) and Avery is Poopers (because she literally poo'd as soon as she was delivered). Well, Avery doesn't think that it is so cute to be called poopers anymore. When I asked her why she didn't like it she stated, "It's disgusting!!"
  5. Tonight we went to my sister's house and bowled on her Wii. This was my first time and I was so excited because I won! I then turned to my sister and said, "Just call me Franklin." (I had a boss in high school named Franklin. He used be a serious bowler.) My little Avery with her sweet voice then sings, "Go Franklin, go Franklin!" We all started laughing.
  6. Last one, the girls used to have this princess tent that they played with til no end. Well, it got really tattered and torn, so we threw it out. Avery tells me that we should get another princess tent for her to play with. I told her that I would think about it and she looks at me so seriously and states, "I've already thought about it!"

So as you can see, we have our hands full with this little one, but we love her to death and wouldn't trade her for anything.

She is so full of spirit and life. She is determined at such a young age. She can be so stubborn and sweet at the same time. Whenever Lucas asks her if she is sweet or sour, she proudly answers every time, "Sour!!"


Windsor World said...

She so cute! Mike and I always say him and Lucas are going to have thier hands full in a few years with all these little girls and I'm sure that time will come all to soon! :)
PS loved your last post! I did't make it till the end of scarement (so I didn't get to hear) but I was really touched by your blog!!

The Richards said...

That is so stinkin funny! i love the first one about how it looks fun and about the franklin part! It just cracked me up! She is a doll, and very pretty! I love the little things girls say!

slaughter said...

SHe is so sweet and cute!!All the girls are!I miss you!xoxo