Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Johnson Dictionary

Words Andie has made up

doorthologist: someone who fixes a door
(We have a closet in our hallway that is broken and I told Andie that if she opened the door, she was going to have to fix it. She then turned to me and said she was not a doorthologist.)

spreadtacious: she meant to say contagious
(Andie was talking about germs and how they are "spreadtacious". I then said you mean contagious. She said, no I mean SPREADTACIOUS.)

Words that Avery has mixed up
created: she meant decorated
(Avery called me the other day and said, mommy look how I "created" this book, and I said decorated, and she said that was what she meant.)

This is an ever growing list that I will add to as words pop-up.


Too Legit to Quit! said...

So Cute!! I love your girls!

Anonymous said...

Haha! Too cute!