Friday, May 8, 2009

3 Months

Three months old already! Erynn is such a sweetheart! So far, she is still healthy, no new infections. She is all smiles and loves to play with her family. Her sisters can always make her smile and I know that she will be talking early. She coos and gurgles all the time. Her newest game is kicking off her blanket when she is in her bouncer. She sits there all calm and as soon as I place the blanket on her legs, she kicks as hard and fast as she can. It is adorable!! A couple of times, I swear I have heard her laugh. She has rolled over a few times already, when she is in just the right spot and when she cries, I swear I can hear "Mama" in there somewhere. Here are a few pics of her adventures in the last month.
NO, Erynn cannot walk yet, but that doesn't stop her daddy from trying. Kind of freaked me out when I turned around and saw her there, LOL!!
Lucas can't wait to throw her around. I have a really cute pic with her smiling.

Erynn loves her little friend on her bouncer. She likes to sit up more these days and is always grabbing at the bears, trying to put them in her mouth.

Avery playing with Erynn on her mat, too cute!

This is how I have found Erynn a time or two. Who needs Binkies?


Todd & Alisa Wren said...

She is so stinking cute!

Windsor World said...

I seriously can't believe how big she is cute! I love the pictures you post of Lucas being silly with her..they crack me up! I could only imgaine your reaction when you turn around and see her standing there..LOL