The other day, I was in need of some alone time, well really just time to clean without little ones messing up rooms I had already cleaned. I asked Lucas if he could take the girls out of the house for a little bit. He decided to take them up to the Mt. Graham.
Of course, as soon as he left,
Erynn woke up from her nap. Once she was fed and back to sleep, I think that I had about 45min before Lucas and the girls showed up. Lucas was in one of those moods. He pretty much let the girls call all the shots. They went hiking up at Treasure Park. Both girls fell in the water at least once. My sweet little Avery found a wildflower that she insisted she was going to give me. Lucas said that she dropped it a few times, but found it and countinued to carry it down the mountain. When she walked in the door she said "Look what I got you Mommy." It was the prettiest wildflower I have ever seen. Lucas is always looking for a reason to go to
DQ. A quick trip was the perfect way to end an outing out with dad.
July 3rd, we took Andie and Avery to Phoenix and to
Sunsplash for the first time. Avery kept calling it
Summersplash. We initially were headed to Wet n Wild, but my mother convinced me that it was too out of the way. We left early in the morning, leaving
Erynn with our great babysitter
Mariesa. Once in Phoenix, we ate at Olive Garden, yummy!!
Sunsplash was so packed that day. I swear all of Mesa was there. We knew that Avery and Andie could ride the big slides, so we headed there first. Avery did really well, but once was enough for her. Andie rode all of the slides and we could
hardly keep her out of the lazy river. It was so fun to have my parents with us. My dad rode the slides and my mother actually got in the water, (gasp). If you knew my mother, you would know that she hates the water and doesn't know how to swim. (Her brother drowned at the age of 12, my mother never knew him and never learned how to swim.) We had so much fun in the wave pool. Those waves can be so strong. It was quite a workout trying to stand once they really got going. At one point, we got my mother to stay out in the water on an inner tube. The waves were rocking her back and forth so hard. My dad and I were trying to keep her from tipping, so I was standing on one side and my dad on the other. Not sure how, but I lost my footing and before I knew it, my mother was pretty much on top of me. With each wave we were pushed back to the shallow end. It was so funny. I tried so hard to get back on my feet, but failed miserably. I was laughing so hard, my stomach was cramping up.
It was a great time, the girls had a blast. We have decided next time, we will do the Wet n Wild park!