Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Labor Story

Where do I begin? Well, we had discussed being induced and so the date was set, Feb 7, 2009. That morning the OB department was crazy busy. I wasn't too optimistic that we were going to get in that day. So I got up that morning and made the girls breakfast. Lunchtime came and after a few false starts, we got the call that there was a bed available and if I wanted it I had better hurry over. We were just finishing up lunch at Denny's when my friend Heidi called me to come in.

Pic of me at my "last supper".

As soon as we got to the hospital, around 2:30pm, I was started on Pitocin to start contractions, I was only 3cm dialated so had a ways to go.

One more belly shot.

At around 10:00pm I was only 4-5cm dialated and the Dr. suggested that I get my Epidural. So Jason Underwood came in and I got my first Epidural ever. It was great!! So the Pitocin game started. Every so often the nurses would come in and increase the amount of medication I was getting. I was contracting a bunch, but no change in my cervix. One of the nurses I had thought that my water had already broken, so here I was on a bunch of Pit, water broke, and not changing my cervix. At around 4:00am, I was convincing myself that I was going to have to have a c-section to get this baby out. I was so sad, because I knew that meant a longer time away from my Andie and Avery. At 5:30am my good friend Heidi came in to check on me and said that I was 5-6cm and that my water was still intact. Well right after that check, my water broke. I was starting to feel contractions and knew that my Epidural was starting to wear off, but I was only half-way dialated. About 30 min later, I started to feel more pressure, I was 7-8cm, 30 min later I was 9 cm, 10 min later I was complete and feeling a ton of pressure. Lucas was frantically calling in family. The Dr. arrived and my family walked in the door as soon as I started pushing.

One contraction later, Erynn Kinley Johnson was born at 7:24am on Feb 8, 2009.
Weighing 8# 4oz
You cannot imagine my excitement when she was placed in my arms. After a long night of no sleep, Pitocin, and fearing a c-section my little girl was finally here.

Lucas and Dr. Rheinfelder looking over the baby. I was glad that Dr. Rheinfelder was on this last weekend and worked so hard to get our little angel here for us. I wouldn't have had it any other way.
If you couldn't tell I was a little excited when I was finally able to hold her. I was so surprised because she looked so much like my side of the family. When I first saw her I thought that she looked just like my sisters, therefore, she must look more like me. Finally, a baby that looked like its mommy!!!
Not too shabby after 17 hours of labor.Daddy and baby. Thank you Lucas for being there for every second, I couldn't have done this without you!!!!
Grandma Julie and baby.
Nana and Baby.
Papa and Baby. Thank you dad for the great pictures. I will have these look back on and remember what a great day it was.

I have a few pics of baby with my sister Alisa, but I have to get one that shows you how much they look alike.

We are at home now and I am a mother of three beautiful girls. I am so grateful for my girlies and they are all doing so well. Next blog will have pics of baby Erynn's first few days home.


Mrs Salas said...

You looked soo good afterjust having a baby!

She is so beautiful Erica! Good job!

Once again Congrats!!!!

Bell Family said...

You look wonderful. I'm glad to hear that everything went well. She is completely darling. I am totally jealous now, I want another one!!! You all look so blessed!

Too Legit to Quit! said...

CONGRATS!!!! When would be a good time for me to come over? I've been asking Andie about you everyday!!! I am so happy for you and Erynn is gorgeous!